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I help everyday people like you learn to make money online and earn a lifestyle of freedom through internet marketing entrepreneurship. But I wasn't always who I am today...
It wasn't too long ago that I was a broke social worker...
I loved helping, coaching, and leading others to goals, but I was out of money and needed another way. I had a psychology degree that wasn't worth much for getting a "good job," and I just entered a social work master's degree program I didn't want to be in. I searched the internet for the answer and begged Google for a way out of my situation.
That was 2016 which marked the start of my internet marketing career.
While in a full-time master's degree program with a part-time internship, I bought a course on lead generation and ads from someone on YouTube and started my journey. I was shivering in my boots putting in my credit card and buying a $997 course from a perfect stranger across the country I had never met.
But I dove in and kept at it... playing the double-life of a social worker during the day and an aspiring internet marketing entrepreneur during breaks and at night. Then it hit me one day...
I gave Facebook $5 in ads and a couple hours later $37 came out. I jumped for joy. I seriously considered dropping out of everything in life and just doing the internet for 12 hours per day (PS - I should have). But my fear was still there, so I kept picking away at it and going to school like a good little worker slave.
Two years later in 2018, about 3 months before graduation with a 4.0 GPA, I made a big decision…
At this point I had read countless books, spent tons of money on testing online and more courses, and even saw some big successes from my actions that it was time for a huge change to correct the path I knew was wrong for me…
I walked into the college registrar and dropped out of my masters program with $45,000 in debt for a degree I DIDN'T earn, all done with no plan or solid idea of what was next at all. I knew "the internet" worked, and although everyone around me screamed at the top of their lungs, even calling me an idiot and impulsive, I took the plunge and burnt the boat. Two weeks later I even got kicked out of my mom's house (don't blame her).
I had no one… I had nothing… all I had was my dream.
I started Amazon FBA which is a fancy way of saying I made stuff in China, shipped it over to the US, and sold it on Amazon. One year after launch I had a $37,000 per month business online. It was crazy to me. I thought I "made it" as an entrepreneur...
I got my real estate license to become an investor... or so I thought...
2020 came... and so did the pandemic...
I lost everything overnight in March of 2020. I got really depressed. I thought about making an Amazon FBA course but couldn't focus. I was just so distraught from the loss of my first business I got nothing done.
I didn't know what to do and spent the rest of spring/summer of 2020 just flopping around different models without success - affiliate marketing, dropshipping, SEO, email marketing, SMMA... you name it, I did it. They all work mind you, but not if you don't work with focus and consistency which I had NONE of.
Finally, I got offered a job at the same brokerage that held my license. I didn't know what to do so I took the job. In a blink of the eye I was back to working a trash job making $50K per year again. But I kept going, kept learning, and kept testing...
I always ran ads and generated leads the whole time of this journey. It was kind of my "go to" to make some money. It’s where I started and what I always returned to. I always thought it was “too small” to be successful. I was ignorant and truly believed you needed a complex business with many moving parts, much like Amazon FBA, to make five or six figures a month.
Yet, during my time at the brokerage I quickly noticed companies making seven and eight figures running ads and generating leads for Realtors. When I tested with the Realtors in the brokerage and generated leads for them, they quite literally threw their credit card at me. They would do ANYTHING for leads, they didn't care. When I said "$500 per month" (WAY too low, mind you) they barely let me finish the sentence, they signed and we worked together. It was the life-blood of their business.
It was then that I realized that lead gen was WAY bigger than I thought, and that I could make some serious money while helping businesses blow up quickly...
The lead generation method for making money online was easy really. You go online and put simple ads up for services people were already looking for. This created leads, and those leads could be sold. Leads are gold to businesses, if you have them you have money in your hand. But there was a problem... getting paying clients to buy leads from me was REALLY HARD at the time. For many, getting clients for lead generation is THE HARDEST (honestly, everything else is stupid easy about the model even to this day).
So I decided to give "lead gen" and the "agency" model a real focused effort. I tried everything in the world to get clients from cold calls, to DMs, to mass emails, to account audits. It all worked, but it was SLOW…
If the gurus squeaked about it online, I tried it…
Finally, I thought one day about when I worked as a homeless outreach social worker. We'd go into the woods and abandoned factories trying to engage the homeless in Waterbury, CT. Our job was to build a relationship and get them in the office to treat them with mental health services and help them. But they didn't want to talk to us and were suspicious of our intentions.
My boss would bring them food, sandwiches, and gift cards upfront, then kept pumping them with these gifts each time he saw them to jumpstart the relationship. He called it "ethical bribing," and although he used to laugh saying that... It worked EXTREMELY well.
The homeless would give us instant trust and rapport because we gave them massive value upfront, then we could help them going forward because they knew when they saw us coming we were there to help. When we asked them down the road to come into the office, we built the relationship and trust up so much at that point they just hopped right in the car.
One day, after struggling to get clients yet again, I thought to myself, "what if I tried to ethically bribe lead gen prospects into being my ad clients?"
This gave birth to what I now call the "IVU Method," a way to attract, hook, and close new lead generation clients in as little as a single day.
By 2021, I let my Amazon FBA business finally die on the vine and did NOTHING but the "agency" and "lead generation" model. I tested for literally a whole year and mastered my craft, as well as purchasing about $100,000 in total on courses and coaching. The results were truly WILD.
And the rest, my friends, is history. Now I give away everything I have inside of Cold to Sold - my community of internet marketing entrepreneurs all riding the same journey together towards success. And whether you're brand new or you're an expert, you're going to learn the method to easily attract, hook, and close new lead generation clients that beg to pay you $1,000/month (or more) that you can just repeat over and over...
It's the entire business and method from start to finish with NOTHING left out…
Oh, and I teach you how to scale that to $84,000+/month ($1M+/year) with LESS effort by building a team and systems around what you love… in case that’s not enough for you.
It's been a great ride and the best is yet to come. Won't you join me?
I help everyday people like you learn to make money online and earn a lifestyle of freedom through internet marketing entrepreneurship. But I wasn't always who I am today...
It wasn't too long ago that I was a broke social worker...
I loved helping, coaching, and leading others to goals, but I was dead broke and needed another way. I had a degree that wasn't worth much, and entered a masters degree program I didn't want to be in. I searched the internet for the answer, begging for a way out.
That was 2016 which marked the start of my internet marketing career.
While in a full-time masters degree program with a part-time internship as well, I bought a course on paid ads from someone on YouTube and started my journey. I was shivering in my boots putting in my credit card and buying a $997 course from a perfect stranger across the country I'd never met.
But I dove in and kept at it... playing the double-life of a social worker during the day and an aspiring internet marketing entrepreneur during breaks and at night. Then it hit me one day....
I gave Facebook $5 in ads and a couple hours later $37 came out. I jumped for joy. I seriously considered dropping out of everything in life and just doing the internet for 12 hours per day (PS - I should have). But my fear was still there, so I kept picking away at it and going to school like a good little worker.
Two years later in 2018, about 3 months before graduation with a 4.0 GPA, I made a big decision...
I had developed my skills, put in the work, and reaped the successes online so heavily that I walked into the registrar and dropped out of my masters program with $45,000 in loan debt for a degree I DIDN'T earn, all done with no plan or solid idea of what was next at all. I knew "the internet" worked, and although everyone around me screamed at the top of their lungs, even calling me an idiot and impulsive, I took the plunge and burnt the boat.
Even my mother kicked me out of the house...
I started Amazon FBA which is a fancy way of saying I made stuff in China, shipped it over to the US, and sold it on Amazon. One year after launch I had a $37,000 per month business online. It was crazy to me. I thought I "made it." Then 2020 came... and so did the pandemic...
I lost everything overnight in March of 2020. I got really depressed. I thought about making an Amazon FBA course but couldn't focus I was just so distraught from the loss of my first business. I didn't know what to do and spent the rest of 2020 just flopping around different models without success - affiliate marketing, dropshipping, SEO, email marketing, SMMA... you name it, I did it. They all work mind you, but not if you don't work it.
I always ran ads and generated leads the whole time of this journey. It was kind of my "go to" to make some money. The process was easy really. You go online and put simple ads up for services people were already looking for. This created leads, and those leads could be sold. But there was a problem... getting paying clients to buy leads from me was REALLY HARD at the time.
So I decided to give "lead gen" and the "agency" model a real focused effort. I tried everything in the world to get clients from cold calls, to DMs, to mass emails, to account audits. It all worked, but it was SLOW. If the gurus squaked about it online, I tried it.
Finally, I thought one day about when I worked as a homeless outreach social worker. We'd go into the woods and abandoned factories trying to engage the homeless in Waterbury, CT. But they didn't want to talk to us and were suspicious of our intentions. My boss would bring them food, sandwiches, and gift cards upfront, then kept pumping them with these gifts each time he saw them to jumpstart the relationship. He called it "ethical bribing," and although he used to laugh saying that... It worked EXTREMELY well. The homeless would give us instant trust and rapport because we gave them massive value upfront, then we could help them going forward because they knew when they saw us coming we were there to help.
One day, after struggling to get clients yet again, I thought to myself, "what if I tried to bribe lead gen prospects into being my ad clients?"
This gave birth to what I now call the "IVU Method," a way to attract, hook, and close new lead generation ad clients in as little as a single day.
By 2021, I let my Amazon FBA business finally die on the vine and did NOTHING but the "agency" and "lead generation" model. I tested for literally a whole year and mastered my craft, as well as purchasing about $100,000 in total on courses and coaching. The results were truly WILD.
By 2022, I grew that agency business to 76 clients using the "IVU Method" all within two solid years of focusing and launching. I started privately coaching on the side which returned me to my roots and passion for helping others. My students ALSO found success with the method I pieced together through lots of trials, experiments, courses, and testing. I knew I was onto something huge
And the rest, my friends, is history. Now I give away everything I have inside of Cold to Sold - my community of internet marketing entrepreneurs all riding the same journey together towards success. And whether you're brand new or you're an expert, you're going to learn how you can easily attract, hook, and close new lead generation ad clients that beg to pay you $1,000/month (or more) that you can just repeat. It's the entire business and method from start to finish with NOTHING left out.
Oh, and I teach you how to scale that to $84,000+/month ($1M+/year) with LESS effort by building a team and systems around what you love.
It's been a great ride, and the best is yet to come. Won't you join me?